Some studies have found that married people are more likely to develop body weight than their single peers life. In a marriage, bad habit can be contagious to each other of the couple. Of course, you don't have to make this reason to keep you away from a marriage life because you could also influence your partner with your good habit. Here are 5 tips to keep you away from fat after you get married.
1. Give your influence
You sure you do have a good habit. Keep this, and try to give your good influence to your partner. Example, you could keep your healthy and fresh food for your almost entire meal. You don't have to force your partner to try anything that they don’t want to. Setting a good example could encourage them to follow you.
2. Make a schedule for exercise together
Many couples have packed schedule, so when it comes to spending quality time together you should plan dates that incorporate fitness. Exercising together could be the most motivating tools for keeping you both on track.
3. Not always 50/50
You could split everything in your marriage life 50/50 except this one, callories. Most men can eat more than women without gaining weight. So when hang out with your partner and order meals, women doesn't have to get their portion as the same size as men. Just follow your own need. Or, you just could split the meals portion 60 part for men and 40 for women.
4. Do your cook
Sharing your cooking and meal planning duties could help keep you both on a healthy diet. Cooking meals together also could allow you to spend some extra quality time together. It’s nice to catch up on your days while cooking and then sit down to a nice meal together. Plus, eating at the dinner table could be a special occasion for you.
5. Focus on your health goals
Men can loose their weight more quickly than women. This thing make many women jealous of men. For women, just focusing your attention on the long-term benefits of eating well and exercising. It can help keep you in perspective what your real goals are: to be happy and healthy.

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