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One Step Closure To Engineering Tooth Enamel

Posted by drg Ardyan Gilang Rahmadhan On 4:40 AM

tooth enamel
We knew that teeth enamel can not regrow or repair themselves if they get damaged. But now, scientists have founded a simple amino acid that could be the clues on how to engineer tooth enamel.

This amino acid is called proline, and it is repeated in the centre of proteins found in tooth enamel. When the repeats are long, such as in humans, they contract groups of molecules that help enamel crystals grow. When the repeats are short, such as in frogs, teeth don't have the enamel prisms that provide strength, the researchers explained.

'We hope that one day, these findings will help people replace lost parts of the tooth with a healthy layer of new enamel,' said Tom Diekwisch, the lead researcher professor and head of oral biology at the University of Illinois at Chicago College of Dentistry. But this finding may also give benefits beyond the teeth.
tooth enamel

Diekwisch added, 'Proline repeats are amazing. They hold the key to understanding the structure and function of many natural proteins, including mucins, antifreeze proteins, Alzheimer's amyloid and prion proteins. We hope that our findings will help many other important areas of scientific research, including the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases.'

Source: New findings may aid engineering of tooth enamel

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1 Response to "One Step Closure To Engineering Tooth Enamel"

  1. Unknown Said,

    Dok kalau email gigi rusak itu sama aja dengan email tsb patah kan, lalu bila dapat di tumbuhkan kembali dgn protein dri dokter itu, berarti email gigi akan tumbuh kembali seperti gigi semula?


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