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How Alanis Morissette Take A Deal With Her Depression

Posted by drg Ardyan Gilang Rahmadhan On 8:13 PM

alanis morissette
Singer and songwriter Alanis Morissette has been struggling with depression in her whole life. But now, Alanis found an effective way to deal with it. Maybe her tips can help you too.

The Grammy-winning singer tells Runner's World that "running has made being depressed impossible. If I'm going through something emotional and just go outside for a run, you can rest assured I'll come back with clarity."

Yes, now Morissette has been running a healthy lifestyle, including eating lots of kale and she also has run two marathons. But she still occasionally indulges "in red wine, and it's fun to have medical marijuana once in a while," she says. "I still party and include a little debauchery."

Morissette ran the two marathons for charity and did November's New York City Marathon with Edward Norton on behalf of the Maasai Wilderness Conservation Trust. In October, she did the Bizz Johnson Trail Marathon through Lassen National Forest in California, representing the National Eating Disorders Association.

To ease aching muscles, she takes ibuprofen. But after a long run she sits in an ice bath to "get that inflammation down. It's not too pleasant, but you get used to it."

She adds that she was once a "hard core" swimmer who trained seven days a week. Sometimes she struggles with the motivation to run. "But I tie my laces, put on a tight bra and get out there like a little robot. The first 10 minutes are excruciating, but soon I get into the flow."
alanis morissette

"I struggled with eating disorders, especially in my teens," she says, "but I've noticed when I treat my body like an instrument instead of an ornament, my relationship with food completely changes."

Source: Alanis Morissette Gets High from Running – and the Occasional Joint

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