High risk conditions patient in dental treatment include:
- Prosthetic valves
- Bacterial endocarditis history
- Single Ventricel states
- Great arteries' transposition
- Tetralogy of fallot
In dental care procedure, patient with these condition have potential problem such as:
- High risk of bacterial endocarditis secondary to dental treatment that resulting in significant bleeding. Patient that have had surgical repair to their heart could also have this risk.
- Patients that have been using long term anticoagulant therapy are at high risk of excessive bleeding.
- Patient with cyanosis may be prone to infection and have excessive bleeding.
Oral manifestation:
- No oral manifestation for prosthetic valves or history of previous bacterial endocarditis patient.
- Possible cyanotic appearance of oral mucosa for complex cyanotic congenital heart disease.
- Patient with heart problem also have possibility to get hematologic abnormalities. This condition could manifest as petechiae or ecchymosis in oral mucosa.
Prevention procedure
- Administration of prophylactic antibiotics before doing dental procedure that result in significant bleeding.
- Standard: oral amoxicillin
- Unable to take oral medications: IV or IM ampicillin
- allergic to penicillin: oral clindamycin
- Allergic to penicillin and unable to take oral medication: IV clindamycin
Treatment planning modification
- Administration of prophylactic antibiotics 1-3 hours before procedures likely to result in significant bleeding.
- Administration of second antibiotics if dental procedure take more than 4-6 hours or if multiple appointments occur on the same day.
- Patients that using anticoagulants medication may need to alter it doses depending on the level of anticoagulation and the extent of planned dental procedure.
- Take a break at least 9 days between dental treatment sessions so that penicillin-resistant organisms disapear from the oral flora. If treatment session must be done sooner than 9 days, select one of the alternative antibiotics for prophylaxis.
Dental Management Of The Medically Compromised Patient (Little, J.W.; et.al.)

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